December 21, 2007, Newsletter Issue #268: Tilted Uterus and Conception

Tip of the Week

Women with a tilted uterus are often under the impression that because of the tilting, it may be harder to conceive a baby.

Fortunately, having a tilted a uterus does not impede on a woman's chances to conceive a baby. A man's sperm must make its way through a woman's uterus regardless of the way the uterus is positioned. The woman's cervical mucus, how the man's sperm swims and the amount of sperm are all factors in conceiving, but the position of the uterus is not.

If you are having trouble conceiving, it is best to check with your physician. It is also important to remember that when a couple is trying to conceive your lifestyle must be healthy.

If you smoke or your partner smokes, try quitting. Smoking can lower your ability to conceive. Make sure to eat a healthy diet, take prenatal vitamins, and exercise. The most important thing to remember is that you should get to know your menstrual cycle, this can help pinpoint ovulation and increase conception chances.

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